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“I had been working through the idea of traveling to Iran. I was torn because a part of me was not sure if it was a good idea, to go alone to a country where the traditions and rules are very different from my own, especially regarding women. So, I bought a ticket. I was not about to shy away from discovering something new and letting fear control my actions. I went because I wanted to see Iran with my own eyes. When speaking to my mother about it, she grabbed my passport and said, “It is dangerous; don’t you understand?” She didn’t want to let me go and my father was worried too.

People tend to think of very negative ideas when Iran is spoken of, yet this is all they are exposed to in the media. What about the millions of the innocent, lovely, local people who live in this beautiful country? Religion and politics so easily divide us if that is all we focus on, but there are so many different things that represent a country.  Iran has such a rich history. I have never met such hospitable people.

I went to Iran in July of 2018. Today I have shown the images which I took in Tehran; the capital of Iran. I call it “One Day in Iran.” The photographs taken are mostly street photography that show the daily routines of regular people who inhabit Tehran”

77% Iranian women prefer to wear a stricter covering called black chador, another part of women use a hijab when in public.Laws restrict the role of women, all hair and skin except the face and hand must be covered. Female tourist is no exception. Many years ago Iranian women could be arrested for failing to comply with the Islamic modesty code.

Muslim community center gives free food for everyone to celebrate kindness. People from all different sorts of backgrounds and financial situations come together and have a meal together without any differences.

Carpet weaving is a big part of Persian culture. It is a time-consuming process which, depending on the quality and size of the carpet, may take anywhere from a few months to several years to complete.

Tehran’s bazaar is a particularly interesting locale where visitors can witness the trade, transport, and mending of rugs.

Despite the fact that most of the population is dressed in dark colours, Iranian like everything colourful and bright in an interior design (inside house). That is why, their house always full of different colourful rags (carpets), crystal lamps, gold plates, jugs, wall clocks and so on. Everything should shine and sparkle. Thereby, they show their well-being. There are so many different shops or places where do they sell these riches.

Traditional Iranian food combines the savoury of fresh herbs and spices like saffron, merges, cinnamon, dried rose and tops it all off with of nuts, dried fruits and beans. It has lots of different colours and smells.

Saffron, or the “red gold,” is the most expensive spice in Iran. The reason is that it takes a lot of saffron flowers to make a single ounce of saffron.

Street BBQ is the most popular food in Iran. Almost every street has somebody who makes kebab (bbq). Lamb minced or lamb liver, lamb heart is the most popular meat in Iranian kebab. They also like to eat chicken wings and beef. Street BBQ looks like a snack. Quick eat and go. Kebab is served with a raw onion, grilled tomato and fresh bred. 

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Muslims pray 5 time per day: before sunrise, midday, late afternoon, after sunset, between sunset and midnight. This time was close to 9pm before our late dinner. Father and his older son pray in the middle of living room during kids play around.


Little kid repeats movements of praying of his father and grandfather. Children in religion family must follow rules and pray with their parents even they are too young to understand the purpose of this act.


Sometimes at home family doesn’t force kids to do that. However, they must do it in public.

© 2025 Leraz Photography. All rights reserved

Photographer | Videographer|

Brisbane​, Australia

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